Parrott Book Chapters

  • Parrott WA. 2021. Chapter 4 – Can genetic modification go wrong, and what if it does? Pages 55-67. In: Andersen V. Genetically Modified and Irradiated Food: Controversial Issues: Facts Versus Perceptions. Elsevier.
  • Kershen DL and WA Parrott. 2014. Regulatory Paradigms for Modern Breeding. pp 159-168. In: NABC Report 26: New DNA-Editing Approaches: Methods, Applications and Policy for Agriculture. Cornell University. PDF
  • Mann, D.G.J., P.R. LaFayette, L.L. Abercrombie,W.A. Parrott, and C.N. Stewart, Jr. 2011. pANIC: A versatile set of Gateway-compatible vectors for gene overexpression and RNAi-mediated down-regulation in monocots. Pp 161-168. In: C.N. Stewart, Jr., A. Touraev, V. Citovsky, and T. Tzfira (Eds). Plant Transformation Technologies. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • Widholm, J.M., J.J. Finer, L.O. Vodkin, H.N. Trick, P. LaFayette, J. Li, and W. Parrott. 2010. Soybean. In: F. Kempken and C. Jung (eds.), Genetic Modification of Plants, Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 64:478-495.
  • Parrott, W., D. Walker, S. Zhu, H.R. Boerma, and J. All. 2008. Genomics of insect-soybean interactions. In: G. Stacey (ed). Genetics and Genomics of Soybean, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. New York. pp 269-291.
  • Parrott, W.A. and T.E. Clemente. 2004. Transgenic soybean. In: J.E. Specht and H.R. Boerma (eds). Soybeans: Improvement, Production, and Uses, 3rd Ed. – Agronomy Monograph No. 16. ASA-CSA-SSSA, Madison, WI. Pp 265-302.
  • Walker, D.R., H.R. Boerma, J.N. All, and W.A. Parrott. 2002. Transgenic technology for insect resistance. In: K. Rajasekeran, T. Jacks, and J. Finley, eds. Genetic Engineering to Improve Attributes of Crop Plants. American Chemical Society, Oxford Press, pp 38-51.
  • Parrott, W.A. 2000. Somatic embryogenesis in angiosperms. In: Spier, R.E. (ed) The Encyclopedia of Cell Technology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. pp 661-666.
  • Bouton, J.H., and W.A. Parrott. 1996. Salinity and Aluminum. Pp. 203-226. In: Biotechnology and the Genetic Improvement of Forage Legumes. B.D. McKersie and D.C.W. Brown (eds). CAB International, Wallingford, U.K.
  • Parrott, W.A., R.E. Durham, and M.A. Bailey. 1994. Somatic embryogenesis in legumes. Pp 199-227. In Y.P.S. Bajaj (ed) Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry. Somatic embryogenesis, Vol. 31. Springer Verlag, Berlin & Heidelberg.
  • Parrott, W.A. 1994. Use of somatic embryogenesis and tissue culture techniques to study endophyte-grass interactions. P. 37-46. In C.W. Bacon and J. White, Jr. (eds) Biotechnology of Endophytic Fungi of Grasses. CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, FL.
  • Merkle, S.A., W.A Parrott, and B.S. Flinn. 1994. Morphogenic aspects of somatic embryogenesis. Pp. 155- 203. In T.A. Thorpe (ed) In Vitro Embryogenesis in Plants. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
  • Parrott, W.A. 1993. Cell culture techniques. p 183-191. In R.D. Huggan (ed.) Biotechnology for Banana and Plantain. INIBAP, Montpellier, France.
  • Parrott, W.A., M.A. Bailey, R.E. Durham, and H.V. Mathews. 1992. Tissue culture and regeneration in legumes. p 115-148. In D.P. Moss (ed.) Biotechnology and Crop Improvement in Asia. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Patancheru, A.P. India.
  • Parrott, W.A., S.A. Merkle, and E.G. Williams. 1991. Somatic embryogenesis: Potential for use in propagation and gene transfer systems. p 158-200. In D.R. Murray (ed) Advanced Methods in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
  • Merkle, S.A., W.A. Parrott, and E.G. Williams. 1990. Applications of somatic embryogenesis and embryo cloning. p 67-102. In S.S. Bhojwani (ed.) Plant Tissue Culture: Applications and Limitations. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam.